Resources & Support

If you need someone to talk to, take a look at our list of resources to find a service that can help. 

For Young People

Young Minds Online guides & resources, free 24/7 text support (UK-wide)

Give us a Shout is a 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks in the UK, for anyone in crisis. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help. At the heart of the service is a team of volunteers who take people from crisis to calm every single day.

The Listening Place is somewhere individuals can talk openly about their feelings without being judged or being given advice. Face-to-face support for those who feel life is no longer worth living.

Silence of Suicide (SOS) –Listening line’ support service (UK)

Rain on me. Peer support and befriending services for young people (London and online) 

Samaritans provides emotional support for anyone who’s struggling to cope

Tel: 116 123 free from all phones

Hearts and Minds. Peer-led support groups (Wimbledon) 

Evolve. Peer-led support group for young people dealing with mental health issues, trauma or distress. (ages 16-30) 

Relate offers counselling services for every type of relationship nationwide.

Step Forward Free confidential support for young people aged 11-25 in and around Tower Hamlets in the form of art therapy, counselling, workshops, group sessions and information on sexual health, LGBTQ+ issues and mindfulness.

National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK. Offers a supportive listening service to anyone with thoughts of suicide. You can call the National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK on 0800 689 5652. Lines are open 6pm–3:30am daily. 

St Giles Trust  A charity using real-life past experiences to provide advice, training and support to people facing challenges today. It supports people held back by poverty, unemployment, the criminal justice system, homelessness, exploitation and abuse to build a positive future.

Home – St Giles


Kooth A judgement-free forum to get advice, help others and share your story. You can make your own coping box, create a ‘good mood’ playlist and more. 

Sign up for free at

For Parents & Caregivers

Harmless. Online resources for parents of YP who self-harm 

Family Lives. Online resources, forum, live chat, parenting courses

With You. Online resources for problems with alcohol, drugs or mental health 

Parenting Mental Health Forum. Online forum for parents and caregivers supporting young people with mental health concerns

Family Action. Holistic support for families experiencing mental health issues

Book: Parenting Teenagers by John Sharry. Step-by-step guide for parents of teenagers to stay supportively involved in their lives, written by a leading mental health professional, founder of the award winning Parents Plus program.  
This book can be purchased from a number of outlets which can be found by searching the title in Google

Support Around LGBTQ+ Issues

Metro Charity. Social groups, 1:1 support, advocacy 

Mindline Trans+. Mental health support helpline for anyone identifying as transgender, non-binary, genderfluid. Also support for family, friends, and colleagues 
Google ‘Mindline Trans+’ for local service]

London Friend. Support and wellbeing services, counselling 

Trauma Abuse Recovery

Survivors’ Voices. Peer support, activism 

Hestia. Safe Spaces, advocacy, domestic abuse prevention

London Black Women’s Project.
Emergency accommodation and housing support for BAMER women and children fleeing domestic and sexual violence, 1:1 and group counselling, for women & children aged 14+

Apps/Online Resources

Calm Harm. App-based support for self-harm, for all ages

DistrACT. Easy, quick and discreet access to general health information and advice about self-harm
Download on Apple Store or Google Play

National Self-Harm Network Forum – Blueice. Peer-led forum for people who self-harm
Evidence-based app to help manage emotions and reduce urges to self-harm