Welcome to the SASH study
Supporting Adolescents with Self-Harm
SASH is a three-year research trial aimed at testing a promising new intervention for young people who self-harm.
The SASH trial aims to investigate whether we can better support adolescents who present with self-harm at Emergency Departments across London, by using a promising intervention. The intervention involves a combination of a Therapeutic Assessment, a safety plan, and rapid follow-up sessions using a solution focused approach.
The project is funded by the Kavli Trust, and is being led by Chief Investigator, Professor Rose McCabe and her research team at City, University of London, in collaboration with Queen Mary University of London, University College London, and the McPin Foundation.

SASH is partnered with West London NHS Trust, Central & North West London NHS Foundation Trust, and East London NHS Foundation Trust.
The study team is working closely with clinicians servicing 8 different A&E’s across London with urgent mental health support and assessment.

1. Hillingdon Hospital
2. Chelsea & Westminster Hospital
3. St. Mary’s Hospital
4. Northwick Park Hospital
5. West Middlesex University Hospital
6. Newham University Hospital
7. The Royal London Hospital
8. Homerton University Hospital
The Assured Project
SASH was developed from it’s parent study, the Assured Project, which is a study to investigate how to better support people who attend Emergency Departments (EDs), who have thoughts of taking their own lives or have harmed themselves. Visit the Project’s research site for more information about the Assured Project, including methodology, project team and related publications